
TI McWethy

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Where Love and Art Meet...

Tatiana and Ian McWethy are artists working in primarily the medium of oil paint.

Their works speak of the love of light and color,  the beauty observable and that which is dreamed of,  also the struggles to overcome that which weakens and corrupts. 
They are two individuals bound together by a common love. Their approaches to painting, art, is noticeably different and this difference they both embrace. 
It has been said that truth in art, as well as all of life, be paramount, this we agree with.

We welcome you to our Gallery and wish you a pleasant stay that encourages exploration and inspiration.

Portrait Portrait

• Our works are for sale, though some have been sold and are for display only. 

Please feel free to contact us for prices of the works that are available for sale, as well as commissions.


Tatiana and Ian
